Blog Moleca

>BEHAVIOR | 19.09.2022
Who is more upbeat? A Gemini? A Leo? Or a Taurus?
Come with Moleca to find out which zodiac signs are the most high-spirited.
No boredom! Cheerfulness always goes well when you are among your friends, at work, at a party, or on a date. This state of mind depends on many factors, such as how the day at school or work went, if everything went as planned, and even the well-being and tranquility of the moment. The good thing is: you can always rescue the good mood!
Even with all the influence of everyday life, there are many girls who are naturally euphoric and live with their spirits high. Totally capable of spreading it along any place and getting everyone into this #goodvibesonly mood.
All this excitement comes from the personality of each one. You, for sure, have quieter and introverted BFFs, or those with outgoing personalities, who arrive talking loudly, laughing, and infusing the environment with excitement and joy. But... We have the Zodiac factor, which can be responsible for showing all this variety.
And even revealing unique characteristics based on the sign (and the rising sign).
So, let's find out who are the most excited girls of the Zodiac?
Party Girl!
Aries - If the topic is fun, Aries girls are on the guest list. They have the best ideas to stir and excite things up, incomparable energy, and they are always the last to leave. Granting them the nickname "enemies of the end".
Leo: As the singer, Ludmilla would say: " I have arrived, and I have arrived just rocking ...". This is how Leo women are, and these girls shine so bright that they could be considered the creators of the Moleca glitter collections! They love to be in crowded places for new experiences and friendships. Not to mention that they are great at putting on fabulous outfits and getting applause, which is a real treat for these #kweens!
Sagittarius - These ones like to take on the role of giving tips that no one knows about and providing memorable outings. After all, as good adventurers, they know all the routes to take for that special occasion. And it brings an overposting of pictures to the feed!
Libra - The libra's excitement is different since it is based on elegance, good taste, and inborn friendliness. Dakota Johnson says so, and she is also a fashion icon, doing justice to the women of this sign! The celebration is among close friends and family, where she is the hostess and does everything to please!
Gemini and Aquarius: With a disposition you get jealous of, Gemini and Aquarius are up for anything to have fun. They have the best cultural tips, and if needed, they are responsible for inviting everyone to go out. They are good chatters, so it gets hard to say no, huh?
Scorpio - Do you want to go clubbing? Call the Scorpio girls, because they are the queens of the nightlife. If you really want to go to a party, they are tireless and will put all their intensity to play. If they know that the place is a "secret spot", that not everyone knows about, they will be even more excited to accept the invitation. By the way, they are the real owners of the rockstar looks!
Taurus - Is there food at the party? They are cheered up! Joking aside, they are called to take care of the organization, especially the finances. They even look like Capricornians or Virginians, but make no mistake: after the daily job, partying is a must! And they may take Moleca's bucket bag to guarantee their sweets in the early morning hours!
Hey, girl! We have prepared a special playlist for the signs.
Fan or hater?
Cancer and Pisces - The contagious cheerfulness is not very effective among this group. Owners of more introverted behavior, they prefer to invite people over. They are very picky about who enters their life and their home. This is exactly why they are very private. Aside from their sensitive emotions + dreamy thinking, they are worthy of coloring life with soft shades, like our mauve pink new releases.
Capricorn - This team is more about working than partying. They have probably even heard that they are haters because they usually put restrictions and obstacles when it comes to going out. To top it off, only the meme Who is she? when the subject is leisure! But they are always up to spending some time in nature, see?
Virgo: Hand in hand with Capricorn girls, fun stays in second, third, or fourth place, if necessary. They end up leaving parties for later since here we have here a group with a disciplined attitude that would leave the Moleca products in Sicilian green perfectly arranged by the design of shoe and bag - they make their own fun!
But the good thing about all the signs is that they invent their own fashion! From the structured styles, loved by the daughters of the Earth element, to the multi-colored ones for the Air element, Moleca fulfills all 12 at once, in all moods and moments!

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